
The Hot Start to September 2024

The hot start to September 2024 is not completely usual, because we had something fairly similar in 2022. And 2009 was another hot one. But this was still pretty notable, so let's take a closer look... https://edmontonweathernerdery.blogspot.com/2024/09/the-hot-start-to-september-2024.html

The average High in early-September is around 20°C. The average High for September 1-8th of 2024 was 28.3°C. That included 2 daily records on the 6th & 8th, and 5 30°C days. September 6th was the warmest of them at 32.1°C.

Hot September Days
September 6th's 32.1°C ties September 4th 2022 as the 8th warmest September day on record. September 1st, 2nd, 7th & 8th also made it into the top-20.

September 2024 has had 5 Highs reach 30°C, which is the most on record for September.

That's ahead of 4 in 1981, and 3 in 2022, 2009, 1967 & 1950.

2024 So Far
The hot September gives 2024 16 Highs of 30°C. That's the 2nd most on record, just behind 2021's 17. 

2021's stretched from June 22nd to August 15th. In 2024 we didn't get to 30°C in May, June, or August, but had a record-breaking July & September.

Edmonton's 16 30°C Highs for 2024 put it ahead of most of the cities here. 

The only ones with more are Kelowna's 50, Regina's 22, and Saskatoon's 17. 

The closest comparable year is 1981, where Edmonton was above average (11), and central Canada was below.

Highs In-A-Row
We had 3 30°C Highs in-a-row on September 6th, 7th & 8th. That ties with September 2nd, 3rd & 4th from 2022 for the record. 

September 1981, 1950 & 1938 all had 2 30°C days in-a-row.

The hot start to September set 2 new record Highs on the 6th and 8th, and one new record Low on the 7th. 

2024 has now had 11 record Highs, which is the 2nd most, behind 1899's 14. 

2024 now has 12 record Lows, which ties 2021 for 2nd most, behind 2023's 15.

The 30°C Season
Are we done? We're definitely near the end of our 30°C season, although the latest 30°C day on record was September 28th, 1887. 

Recently September 25th 2011 got to 31.9°C, and September 23rd 2009 got to 33.2°C.

Calgary was also warm, with 4 30°C days, including 3 in-a-row. The warmest they got was 31.7°C, which was a new record for September 7th.

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