
August 2024 Review

It's time to take a look back at Edmonton weather for August 2024. What do we think this month: was it hot or cold, or rainy or dry? 

Following our hottest July on record, August 2024 was a little more sedate. 

The average High of 24.3°C was our 20th warmest on record: similar to 2023, 2021, 2017, 2015... 

The average Low of 13.4°C was 5th warmest. 2022 has the record at 14.5°C

High Temperatures
August didn't have any Highs which were super hot, or super cold. But the month finishes with 22 above-average Highs, and 9 below-average.

August 2024 didn't have any 30°C days, for the first time since 2019. 

But it did have 13 25°C days, when the average is 9, and 27 25°C days, when the average is 21. 

The coldest High was 17.5°C on the 16th.

Hot Days So Far
As fall approaches, 2024 has had 11 30°C days (all in July) which is the 5th most on record. 

It has had 21 28°C days, which is 9th most. 

And its 38 25°C days is around average for a full year, although we might get a few more of those.

Low Temperatures
August 2024 has 1 record warmest Low of 16.5°C for August 12th. 

And overall there were 27 Lows above average, and 4 below.

August's Lows usually fall in a pretty narrow band between 8~18°C, and 2024 was no exception.

The coldest was 8.3°C on the 29th, and the warmest was 17.7°C on the 2nd. August only had the single Low below 10°C, when the average is around 8.

Warm & Cold Months
After the warmest July on record, August appears here as a medium-sized orange bubble. 

 The High of 24.3°C was 2.3°C warmer than the 20th century average. The last time that we had a below-average August was 2019. 

The Low of 13.4°C was 3.8°C warmer.

Across Canada
Across the country August was most above average on the prairies and the east coast. 

St. John's average High of 23°C was 3.2°C warmer than their 20th century average. 

On the other end Toronto's 26.0°C was just 0.3°C warmer than theirs.

A Hot Summer?
For the big summer months of June-August the Highs in Kelowna, Edmonton, and the east cost were all top-10 warmest on record. 

Dawson City, Montréal and Quebec City were all around top-15.

And the rest of the country ranged from 23rd (Calgary) to 75th (Winnipeg).

After a really dry July, August 2024 was a little above the average of 53mm.

Stony Plain had 66.9mm, Blatchford had 69mm, and the airport had 75.5mm.

By the end of July we average 349mm of precipitation. In 2024 the local stations are well below that, because of the dry July.

Both Blatchford and the airport are at 292.3mm, and the other stations are all lower.

August 2024 was a pretty quiet month for storms.

The biggest were the 4th with 15.6mm at Blatchford and 17 at the airport, and the 22nd had 21.6mm at Stony Plain.

For total precipitation for the year so far Halifax & St. John's are battling at around 950mm. But Toronto and Montréal are close, thanks to some historically massive storms.

Dawson City & Kelowna are below 200mm. Calgary's 429mm is well ahead of Edmonton's 292mm.

Toronto's 914mm is the most precipitation they've ever recorded for January-August, well ahead of 2nd place 829mm in 2013. Montreal's 881mm is their 7th most on record.

For big August storms:
  • Montréal had 154mm (its biggest day on record) on August 9th (Quebec City got 82mm, and Ottawa got 46mm)
  • Toronto had 128mm (it's biggest day on record) on August 17 (that followed a 98mm day in July)
  • Calgary had 53mm on the 5th

Toronto and Montréal don't get 75mm days very often, but they both had 2 of them this summer. And 2024 was the first time that either of them had recorded a day over 100mm.

For September we average 11 days at 20°C, including 3 at 25°C. Since 2000 only 6 Septembers had a High below 5°C. 

For Lows, about half of the time September is frost-free, but below-freezing days can start to creep in at the end of the month.

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