

Thanksgiving Long Weekend 2019

How did the weather for the 2019 Thanksgiving Long Weekend compare to recent years?


Thanksgiving 2019 was a late Thanksgiving, and it wasn't really cold, but it wasn't warm either.

Saturday's High of 11.9°C was above the Thanksgiving average of 11°C, and Friday also broke 10°C at 10.3°C. Things cooled off from Saturday & Sunday at 7.2°C & 4.4°C respectively.

In recent years:

  • Thanksgiving Monday in 2018 was below freezing at -1.8°C
  • 2017 had two days above 15°C
  • 2016's Highs were all below 3°C
  • 2015 was a "hot" thanksgiving with one High at 26°C and another at 21°C


It was a fairly rainy Thanksgiving weekend, with the International getting 2.7mm on the Sunday and 3.6mm on the Monday. And Blatchford (not shown) was double that with 6.4mm of precipitation on the Sunday and 6.9mm on the Monday.

This year the International also recorded "trace" amounts of snow, but not enough to count as a measurement. Thanksgivings 2016-2018 were all snowier than that, with 2016 & 2018 getting a lot, and 2017 a little.

For 2015-2019 we've now had 5 Thanksgivings in-a-row with precipitation. And just before that from 2010-2014 we had 5 in-a-row without any.

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