

Halloween 2019

Today we're taking a very quick look back at the history of Halloween weather in Edmonton.

Temperatures & Precipitation

The average High on Halloween is has been 4.6°C, and the average Low -3.5°C.

Halloween 2018 was a little bit warm with a High of 8.3°C, 2016 & 2017 (and 2014) were right around average, and 2015 & 2013 were both a bit warm at around 10.7°C.

The last time that we had a below-freezing High on Halloween was 2012 at -6.6°C, and with a Low of -9.1°C

For precipitation 2017 had 6mm and 2015 had 3mm (and there was a gap in data

  • Edmonton's warmest Halloween was 1981, which was way up at 19.9°C
  • Edmonton's coldest Halloween was 3 years later in 1984, with a high of -18°C and a low of -24°C. 1984's High temperature of -18°C was lower than the Low temperatures of every other Halloween except for 1991.
  • Since 1981 Edmonton hasn't recorded a Halloween above 15°C. But prior to that there had been 9 warm Halloweens.
  • Prior to 1984 Edmonton hadn't recorded a Halloween below -15°C. But since then we've had 3 in 1984, 1991 and 2004.
  • Edmonton's snowiest Halloween was 1882 with 10.2cm of fresh snow.

Snow on the Ground

In recent years the only Halloween with recorded snow was 2017 with 2cm at the International.

The Halloweens with the most snow on the ground were 1984 with 16cm at the International (Blatchford had 15cm that year), and 1991 with 16cm at Blatchford (and 13cm at the International).

Halloween is just a little bit early for snow on the ground, but if you move the slider in this chart to November 7th or 15th the snow starts to pile up.

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