

April 2024 Review

It's time for our big look back at Edmonton weather for April 2024.

April (along with October) is one of our weird months where the average temperatures haven't changed much over that past century. 

2024's average High of 11.7°C was our 56th warmest on record. The Low of 0.8°C was our 21st warmest. So it was warm, but not really warm.

High Temperatures
April 2024's Highs bounced around above and below the average, but none were particularly extreme, not even the snowy April 30th. 

19 Highs were above our 30-year average, and 11 were below.

April averages:
  • 2 Highs below freezing, and 2024 had 0. 
  • 7 Highs of 15°C, and 2024 had 8.
  • 2 Highs of 20°C, and 2024 had 0 (although the 2nd got to 19.7°C and the 23rd to 19.6°C)

Low Temperatures
April 2024's Lows were mostly just a bit above average, although the 18th's Low of -6.8°C dipped close to the bottom of our 30-year range. 

21 Lows were above average, and 9 were below.

April averages 15 below-freezing Lows, and 2024 had 10.

The coldest Low was -6.8°C on the 18th, and the warmest was 6.3°C on the 22nd.

Frost-Free Days
The average date of Blatchford's final spring frost is May 6th. 

Even with the snow on the 30th, it's official Low was only 0.1°C. So right now our latest frost was April 20th.

Recently 2023's final frost was the April 22nd, and 2019's was the 19th.

Warm & Cold Months
After a cool~ish March, April 2024 was solidly warmer than the 20th century average, and is an orange bubble here. 

The High of 11.7°C was 1°C warmer, and the Low of 0.8°C was 2.2°C warmer. 

April has has a fair number of cool, blue bubbles in recent history.

Across Canada
April 2024 was warmer than average across the country. 

Regina was at the top. Its average High of 14.6°C was 4.5°C warmer than their 20th century average.

In April we average 14cm of snow, and 2024 was a little Low, with 12cm. 

February was our only snowier-than-average month this winter. January & March were a little below average, while November & December were very low.

By the end of April we average 113cm of snowfall, and so far in 2024 we're at 73.4cm, which would be a bottom-5 year for the airport.

In May was average another 5cm of snow, but half of the time it gets none.

Across the country Edmonton's 73.4cm of snow barely passed Toronto's 67cm. 

St. John's & Charlottetown are at the top with 370cm & 347cm. 

Calgary's 192cm puts it ahead of Montréal's 173cm and Moncton's 166cm.

March 2024 was Calgary's 2nd snowiest on record with 68.4cm. They followed that with 32cm centimeters in April, which was a bit above their average of 22cm. In May they average another 9cm. 

Their total so far of 192cm would be their 10th snowiest winter.

Across the country the big April snow storms were: - Montréal with 20cm on the 4th - Ottawa with 18.4cm on the 3rd & 4th - Calgary 15.2cm on the 4th & 5th, and 11.9cm on the 16th - Moncton with 14cm on the 4th Edmonton's biggest storm was 4.6cm on the 5th.

For snowdepth the local stations were basically snowfree by the beginning of April, but after some mid-April storms they bounced back up to 1 or 2 cm for a few days.

Across the country Dawson City was the only city which wasn't down to 0cm snowdepth by the first week of April. But then a bunch of cities did briefly pop up again for a few days following some storms.

For total precipitation (rain+snow) April 2024 was a little dry. We average 26mm, and Blatchford recorded 20.3mm, the airport recorded 19mm, and Stony Plain was down at 9.7mm. But our rainy season usually starts by mid-May.

For cumulative precipitation so far in 2024 Halifax is at the top with 665mm, followed by St. John's at 511mm, and Vancouver at 507mm.

Edmonton is down at 66mm, while Calgary has 152mm.

For big April storms:
  • Halifax had 54.4mm on the 12th & 13th
  • Toronto had 32mm on the 3rd and 47mm on the 11th and 12th
  • St. John's had 36.2mm on the 18th & 19th
  • Montréal had 27mm on the 30th
Edmonton's biggest day was 12.7mm on the 30th.

For May we average a week or two of days above 20°C.

About a quarter of the time our final frost is in April, but more typically May has a handful of frosty nights.

And the airport recorded May snow in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2015...