

July 2023 Review

And somehow it's August already. 

So let's take a look back at Edmonton's weather for July, 2023. Was it warm or cool? Rainy or dry?

July 2023's average High of 23.9°C was actually just a little bit below our average for recent years, ranking 50th overall. 

The average Low of 13.7°C was pretty warm though. It was below 2022 (#3) & 2021 (#2), but still ranked 8th overall.

High Temperatures
July 2023 didn't have any super-hot Highs, but the 26th & 27th were right down near the bottom of our typical range with 15.2°C and 15.5°C respectively. 

July ends up with 19 Highs above average, and 12 below.

In July we average about 12 Highs which reach 25°C. In 2023 we had 15, including 30.5°C on the 9th. 

And unlike in 2022 and 2021, this July didn't have any Highs below 15°C (although it got close on the 26th & 27th).

Hot Days
At the end of July we've had 74 days reach 20°C, which is the 7th most on record. The long-term average is around 60. 

That includes 41 days which reached 25°C, which is behind only 2018 & 1898 with 42. The average is around 25.

At the end of July we've had 18 Highs reach 28°C, which is the 2nd most on record, behind 2021 with 24. 

For 30°C days so far we've had 5, which is around average. Recently 2021 had 13 by this point.

Low Temperatures
For the Lows, things were pretty quiet. 20 were above average, and 11 were below. But overall that still ranked as the 8th warmest on record.

July's coldest Low was 8.8°C on the 29th. With that and 9.6°C on the 28th we had two Lows below 10°C, when we average around 4.

Warm & Cold Months
July 2023's average High was just a little warmer than the 20th century average, by 0.7°C. So here it's a small orange bubble.

The Low was 2.7°C above the long-term average, and joins many orange bubbles in recent years.

Across Canada
Across the country July 2023 was cool in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and warm~ish everywhere else. 

St. John's was the most above average, with Highs 3.5°C above its 20th century average.

July is usually our rainiest month, averaging 90mm of precipitation. 

For most of the month it didn't look like we would get there, but by the end of the month Blatchford had 123mm, the Airport had 129mm, and Stony Plain had 130mm.

In July we average around 15 days with rain. The month started dry, but by the end the stations had 14~17 rainy days.

July is usually our month for big summer storms. 

In 2023 the biggest was 42mm at the airport on the 24th. Blatchford's biggest day was 30.3mm on the 24th.

The Airport, Stony Plain and Campsie all had 3 20mm+ storms.

By the end of July we average 297mm of precipitation for the year.

Right now Blatchford has 325mm, the airport is at 322mm, and Stony Plain is up at 345mm.

Precipitation Across Canada
This chart has the precipitation for 2023 for these 11 Canadian cities. Halifax is at the top with over 800mm. Winnipeg and Saskatoon are at the bottom with under 150mm.

The standouts are Vancouver, Saskatoon and Winnipeg who are having some of their driest years on record.

(sometimes really low numbers mean that readings have been missed. But that doesn't seem to be the case here, with fairly complete records for all 3 stations)

For big storms in July 2023 Halifax had 58.9mm on the 21st.

Regina, St. John's, Montréal and Ottawa all also had 30mm+ days this month.

For August on average we have 25 Highs which reach 20°C, including ~10 above 25°C.

About half of the time August hits 30°C.

Most Lows are 10~15°C, but half of the time August will have a night below 5°C.

And August is our 3rd rainiest month averaging 52mm.