

The Great Thawlessness of 2022-2023

It took a long time, but our streak of High below freezing did eventually come to an end on January 19th.

Our run of days without a thaw stretched for 52 days from November 28th through January 18th.

52 days tied with 1977-1978 for the 3rd longest streak on record.

The only longer streaks were 67 days in 1949-1950, and the record 83 days in 1955-1956.

While our winters may sometimes feel never-ending, in most winters the longest that we go without a thaw is 2 or 3 weeks. In recent memory the longest stretches were 2010-2011 with 38 days, and the last two winters 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 went 29 & 30 days respectively.

After the really cold days in December, things were mostly fairly mild during January. We actually spent a lot of the month above average, but only by a bit, and it took until the 19th to finally reach 0°C again.

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