

December 2021 Review

It's time for our look back at the weather in Edmonton for December, 2021. This will be a little bit shorter than usual, because the upcoming 2021 Year-in-Review will cover a lot of the stuff that we normally talk about in these montly reviews.

High Temperatures
It seems like forever ago, but December 2021 started fairly warm, before temperatures nose-dived around the 15th. 

The month ends up with 11 Highs above average, and 20 below. But 6 of those cold days had Highs which were the coldest-in-30-years.

On average in December we have around 10 Highs above freezing, but in 2021 we only had 4.

On the other hand we had 7 Highs hit -20°C including 2 at hit -25°C. Since 1990 the only Decembers with -25°C Highs were 1996, 2009 and now 2021.

Low Temperatures
December 2021's Lows looked a lot like the Highs, with a warm start, and extremely cold end. 

10 Lows were above average, with 21 below. While we didn't get close to any all-time records there were 5 days with coldest-in-30 year Lows.

On average December only has around 6 Lows of -20°C. In 2021 we had 14. 8 Lows hit -25°C, including 3 at -30°C. Since 1990 the only Decembers to hit -35°C were 1992, 2009 and now 2021.

Warm & Cold Months
The average High for this December 2021 was 11.5°C, which ranks as the 14th coldest on record. The average Low of -18.2°C was the 33rd coldest.

If we just look at the back half of December, from the 15th through 31st the average High of -18°C was 6th coldest. The average Low for the back half of December was -24.5°C, and was the 12th coldest.

Looking at the monthly mean temperatures (the average of the Highs & Lows) December & February were the only months in 2021 which were colder than the 20th century average. And they were both around -4°C colder than the average.

In December we average about 16cm of snow, and 2021 was double that with 33cm at the Airport.

In December we average 9 days with snowfall, and 2021 was just a bit above that with 11. The biggest 1-day snowfall this month was 11.4cm on December 14th.

Blatchford isn't recording snowdepth anymore, but the snowy and cold December pushed the snowdepth at the nearby stations up above 30cm, while the average for the end of December is only about 13cm.

January Temperatures
In January on-average we get 12 days with Highs above freezing. January is also our biggest month for deepfreezes though, with an average of 8 Lows of -20°C. Our average snowfall for January is 22cm.


Edmonton's Coldest New Years

 The end of 2021 is supposed to be pretty cold, so let's take a look at some of Edmonton's other coldest New Years.

New Year's Eve

Our coldest New Year's Eve on record was 1884, with a Low of -40.6°C. However 1927 has the coldest High, reaching only -30.6°C

In recent memory, going back to the 80s 1981's Low was -29.4°C, and 1984's was -29.3°C. The next really, really cold one wasn't until 2017 at -28.2°C. And 2017 also had the coldest recent High, reaching only -22.6°C.

Our average temperatures are a High of -7.7°C and Low of 15.7°C, and recent New Year's Eves with Highs above freezing were 2019, 2015, 2014, 2012, 1997...

New Year's Day

Our coldest New Year's Days on record were in 1911 and 1928, both with a Low of -40°C. 1928 also has the record for coldest High at -32.2°C.

Going back to the 1980s again, in recent years 1982 has the coldest New Year's Day with a High of -23.1°C and Low of -28.3°C. 1991, 2009, 2010 and 2018 also all had Lows below -25°C.

Above-freezing New Year's Days happened in 2020, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2001...

How will 2021 compare?


Deepfreezes & Heat Islands

Today we are going to take a quick look at how temperatures vary between Edmonton and its surrounding stations during the coldest days of the year. 

This is a bit of a follow-up to our look at heat islands during heatwaves from last summer: Heatwaves & Heat Islands. The Heat Island Effect is the idea that urban areas hold more heat than outlying areas, and we are going to see how that applies to the Edmonton region.

Christmas 2021

This chart shows the temperatures around Edmonton for the quite cold days of December 24, 25 & 26, 2021. The city was typically the warmest station, but not in a consistent way: 

  • For all 3 days the Highs are fairly close across all of the stations, with 1~1.5°C separating them.
  • The Lows are more variable, with a 3~5°C gap compared to the city.
  • December 24th is the warmest day here, and it also had the least variation in Lows, with all of the stations from -24°C and -26°C.

Let's take a look at how things work on average.

Blatchford versus the Edmonton International

Here we have the average temperatures for 2000-2021 for Blatchford (near downtown Edmonton) and for the International Airport (30km south).

Throughout the year the average Highs are fairly similar, with Blatchford averaging about 0.4°C warmer than the airport. That varies depending on the season though, and the biggest difference occurs in late-February and March, when the city's Highs are about 2°C warmer than the airport.

The Lows for the two stations are quite different, with Blatchford on-average 3.6°C warmer than the airport. That difference is fairly consistent through the whole year, but it also peaks in March with Blatchford's average Lows about 5°C warmer than the airport's.

Average Winter Differences

Here is the same chart, but now we are just looking at the winter months of November-March. The gap for the Highs is smaller than the gap for the Lows, but they are both largest right around the start of March.

These are the average winter temperatures over two decades - so it includes all of the deepfreezes, but also the typically cold or warm days. Let's get away from averages and take a look at one specific winter:

Winter of 2019-2020

These are the temperatures at Blatchford and the airport for the winter of November 2019 through March 2020. On January 15, 2020 Blatchford hit -37.6°C which is very cold for the city, and that's why we picked this winter as an example.

The average differences across this whole winter are similar to what we saw for the 20-year averages, but on individual days the differences can be much larger. The largest were:

  • March 8: 10.1°C difference, with Lows of -18.1°C at Blatchford and 28.2°C at the International.
  • February 8: 9.9°C difference with Lows of -10.5°C at Blatchford and 20.4°C at the International.
  • December 26: 9.2°C difference with Lows of -13.6°C at Blatchford and 28.2°C at the International.

Those are just examples, but none of them happened to be on super-cold days. For the really cold -37.6°C day at Blatchford the airport was 4.7°C colder at -42.3°C.

All of that is just to give a sense of how things can compare between Blatchford and the International.

Now let's take a look at how things have changed over time, and we will add in a few more stations:

Deepfreezes: -25°C Lows at Blatchford

We will be using a few different versions of this chart, so let's start with a short explanation:

  • This compares the temperatures at Blatchford to 4 outlying stations which have long~ish histories.
  • A positive bar (a bar above zero) means that the outlying stations was warmer than Blatchford. Negative bars mean that the outlying stations was colder, while Blatchford was warmer.
  • This is only for the days where Blatchford had a High of -25°C. There will be more days where the outlying stations were cold but Blatchford wasn't, but those aren't included here. For this example Blatchford is the reference.
  • The bars here are the average difference for all of the cold days in each year. We only get about 10 -25°C Lows per year, so the sample size is pretty small, and can be swayed by outliers if there was only one or two days.

With all of that out of the way, what do we see here?

Let's start with the Highs:

  • 100 years ago when Blatchford's Low hit -25°C the Highs at the Campsie & Calmar stations  were on average warmer than Blatchford's.  But by about 1970 that gap had closed and the Highs were roughly equal.
  • In the 1960s the International's Highs averaged about -0.4°C cooler than Blatchford. Nowadays that has maybe increased to a -1.3°C difference?
  • For Stony Plain the Highs are pretty close. There are a few tall outlier bars here, but in general the average difference is a fraction of a degree, and that has been the case since the 1960s. 
For the Lows:
  • 100 years ago on cold days when Blatchford's High hit -20°C the Lows at Campsie & Calmar were colder than Blatchford's, and they're still colder today. The difference has gotten bigger, though. Calmar's Lows averaged -1.9°C colder in the 1920s, but the gap had increased to -3.8°C when the station shut down in 2007. For Campsie the gap was -3.4°C in the 1920s, and is close to -6.1°C today.
  • In the 1960s the International's Lows averaged -3.6°C colder, and today it's about -4.6°C colder.
  • Stony Plain's Lows are again quite close to Blatchford's. In the 1960s the gap averaged -0.7°C, and today it is -0.2°C.
As we saw earlier, Blatchford's Highs are fairly close to the outlying stations, while the gap for the Lows is larger. Looking back 100 years Blatchford's Lows were always warmer than Campsie & Calmar, but over the past century the gap increased by 2~3°C. And while we are used to seeing ridiculously cold temperatures at the airport, the average difference between Blatchford and the airport has only changed by about 1°C since the 1960s.

Deepfreezes: -30°C Lows at Blatchford

A -25°C day at Blatchford is pretty cold, but let's take it up a notch and only look at days where Blatchford's Lows reached -30°C. Once again, the sample size is quite small with usually only a few days each year.

The Highs look pretty similar to what we saw in the -25°C graph.

For the Lows the outlying stations are consistently cooler again, but the numbers have changed a bit. 
  • For Calmar, when Blatchford hits -30°C the gap was -2°C a century ago, and grew to -5°C by 2007.
  • For Campsie the gap grew from -4°C a century ago to -7°C today.
  • For the airport the gap was -4°C in the 1960s & 1970s, but is more than -6°C today.
  • And when Blatchford hits -30°C, on average Stony Plain isn't very different.
There is a sample size issue here, because we get fewer -30°C days than we used to, so the recent years are counting fewer days. But at least in terms of perception, when Blatchford hits -30°C stations like the airport and Campsie average -6°C colder. 

Deepfreezes: -35°C Lows at Campsie

Here is one more version, but this time we've flipped things and are using the outlying station Campsie as the reference. This is a temperature comparison for days when Campsie's Low reached -35°C.

For the Highs, once again all of the stations are relatively close, even on these extreme deepfreeze days.

For the Lows, when Campsie hits -35°C the International Airport and Calmar both tend to be a few degrees warmer, and that gap has been fairly consistent over the years. For Blatchford though, 100 years ago the gap was around 7°C, while in modern years it has been closer to 10°C. And for Stony Plain the gap increased from 7.9°C to 9.2°C since the 1960s.


We have talked about the Heat Island Effect many times here, and it is because Edmontonians are used to seeing these huge temperature gaps between Blatchford and the airport. And that can lead to the idea that the airport is the "natural" temperature, while Blatchford's gets an artificial increase because it is the big city. But is that correct?

As we have seen with these stations, there is a much bigger urban-rural gap for the daily Low temperatures than for the daily High temperatures. And that gap existed in 1960 when the airport opened, and it also existed in 1920 when records began at stations like Campsie and Calmar.

But we also saw that for very cold days the gap has increased by 2~3°C over the past century. So it would appear that nowadays, during deepfreezes Blatchford's Lows do get a bit of lift relative to the outlying stations. However, there are also outlying stations like Stony Plain which have temperatures pretty close to Edmonton's.

The moral of the story is that during a deepfreeze when see that Blatchford is 7~10°C warmer than the airport, on a similar day in 1960 that gap would have existed, but it might have only been 5~8°C? And going back to 1920 it might have been 4~7°C? What about 1880? Unfortunately we don't have the data to go all of the way back to see how a truly rural Edmonton compared to its rural surroundings.


Edmonton's Coldest Christmases

The forecast for Christmas 2021 is looking pretty cold, but how will that compare to some of Edmonton's coldest Christmases?


Our coldest Christmas on record also happened to be the first year with temperature records. Way back in 1880 the Low for December 25th was -39.8°C, and a High of -24.4°C. 

The Christmas Day with the coldest High was 1917 at -28.9°C, and a Low of -32.2°C.

In more recent history, since 1980 our coldest Christmas Day was in 1996 with a Low of -29.5°C. And 2012 had the coldest recent High at -20.6°C.

Here we are looking at the whole "holiday weekend" of December 24-26th. 

 In recent years we had at least of few Lows of -25°C~ish in 2017, 2016, 2012, 2009, 2008, 1996 and 1990.

This is the same data as the previous chart, but here each dot is the 3-day average temperature for each year. Our average High is -4°C, and average Low is -13.2°C. 

Warm years like 2011, 2005 and 1997 had average Highs around 6°C, and 1999 was all the way up at 9.3°C. On the other hand cold years like 2017, 2012 and 2008 had average Lows around -25°C, and 1996 was the coldest -27.6°C.

This chart is a little crowded, but it has the 3-day average temperatures for December 24-26, going back to 1880.

1880 is way down on its own, with a 3-day average Low of -39.8°C. There are also a few other years below -30°C: 1886, 1904, 1917, 1933, 1934, 1937 and 1971. And then after that there are quite a few around the -25°C range, including recently 1996, 2008, 2012 and 2017.

This is the coldest week on record for Christmas Eve through New Year's Day. It was back in 1880 again, and over those 9 days the average Low was -34.1°C.

In more recent years 2017 was a standout for an extremely cold break between Christmas and New Year's. The average Low of -27.1°C was the 15th-coldest on record. All 9 days had Lows below -20°C, and that included 7 days which reached -25°C, and 2 of those reached -30°C.

Where will 2021's deepfreeze end up? We'll need to wait and see.


November 2021 Review

It's time for our look back at the weather in Edmonton for November, 2021. It seemed pretty mild, right? But just how unusual was it?

(if you are reading this in the distant future some of the dashboards below may have updated to reflect new data or formatting, or they may be broken, or they may no longer make sense. To see the original images for this post please refer to this twitter thread.)

High Temperatures
November 2021 didn't have any scorching hot days, but we were near the top of our 30-year range at the beginning of the month, and then again at the end. 

Overall 25 Highs were above average, with only 5 below average.

On average in November we have 18 Highs above freezing, and in 2021 we had 25. That included 2 Highs above 10°C, which is average. 

We didn't have any Highs below -5°C, which also happened in 2015, 2009, 2008, 2004...

Low Temperatures
November 2021's Low temperatures were a little more average than the Highs, with 17 above average and 13 below. The coldest Low was -16.2°C on the 24th.

November 2021 had 2 Lows below -15°C, with -15.1°C on the 23rd and -16.2°C on the 24th. 

In comparison, another mild November like 2016 didn't even have a Low hit -10°C. On the other hand, November 2010-2015 all hit -20°C, or even -25°C.

Warm & Cold Months
The average High for this mild November 2021 was 4.1°C, which ranks as the 29th warmest November on record. The average Low of -6.2°C was the 47th. 

 So while we didn't have any deepfreezes, this was not an unusually warm November, and it was well below 2016, 2009, 2008...

One thing that might feel a little strange this year is that November often throws a little coldsnap at us, to let us know that winter is here. So far that hasn't happened.

November 2021 is our 6th above-average month in a row. October was just a little warm, the summer months were all very warm, and May was actually a little below average.

Across Canada
November was another warm month across Canada, especially in the prairies. 

In Vancouver and central Canada the Highs were about 1°C warmer than November's 20th century average. Meanwhile Regina, Winnipeg and Edmonton were around 3°C warmer, and Calgary was 5°C.

Even with Calgary's warm November, 2021 didn't crack their top-10 list of warmest Novembers. Their warmest November on record was 1917, with an average High of 13.1°C.

The Horserace
With one month left to go 2021 ranks as Edmonton's 5th warmest year on record, on pace for 2.1°C above the 20th century average. Separately, the Highs for the year rank as 5th warmest, with the Lows as 10th warmest.

Across Canada 2021's Highs are currently top-10 for each of these cities, except Vancouver. For Winnipeg it's currently #1. 

The Lows are also top-10 in Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa, Montréal, and St. John's; top-20 in Vancouver, Regina, and Winnipeg; and then #30 in Toronto.

November averages 20mm or precipitation, and this year Stony Plain was just a bit above that at 23mm, while Blatchford and the airport were at 15mm. South Campus had 8mm.

Cumulative Precipitation
By the end of November our total precipitation averages 422mm. 

For 2021 the airport has 325mm, Stony Plain has 299mm, and South Campus has 242mm. 

Blatchford's 235mm is probably its driest year ever recorded (some years have missing data, which complicates things).

Precipitation Across Canada
For precipitation in cities across the country: 
St. John's is way up near 1,300mm, with Vancouver over 1,000mm. 
The central Canadian cities are around ~750mm.
Calgary, Regina and Winnipeg are around 350mm, while Edmonton is down at 235mm.

The story of November 2021 is Vancouver though, with 312mm of precipitation. That's more than Blatchford has recorded in all of 2021. However it's also only Vancouver's 9th rainiest November, and well below the 398mm in November 1909.

November brought our first snow of the winter of 2021-2022. November averages 20cm of snow, and this year we got 15.4cm.

Our first snow of the winter was on November 14th. That is one of Edmonton's latest first snows, tying 1987 and 1891. 

The only later first snow on record was December 1st, 1886. Maybe that one is valid, or maybe they missed a snow measurement? There's no way to know.

On November 15th and 16th we received a total of 12.8cm of snow, which made it our first 10cm+ storm of the winter. In a typical winter we only get 1 or 2 of those, although 2018-2019 had 4 and 2017-2018 had 5.

Blatchford apparently isn't recording snowdepth anymore, which is annoying. But after the storm the airport reached 14cm, while Stony Plain hit 26cm. With the recent warm weather those dropped to 6cm and 18cm respectively.

With our late first snowfall, our snow on the ground also got off to a slow start coming a week or two later than most winters.

Snow Across Canada
Here we have the snowfall for cities across Canada. Winnipeg is off to an early lead with 26cm, with Edmonton and Toronto next with 15.4cm. Calgary has 9cm. And Montréal is at 4cm with Ottawa at 3cm.

December Temperatures

In December we average about 10 days with Highs above 0°C. For the Lows, since 1990 there have been 5 Decembers which didn't hit -20°C, and about half of the time December will hit -25°C. December averages 16cm of snow.