

A New Record for 30°C Days

On August 5th the High temperature at Blatchford hit 31.8°C.

That was the 15th time this year that we had reached the 30°C mark.

30°C Days
The bars here are the total number of 30°C Highs each year, and 2021's 15 Highs is a new record. It beats the 14 from 1961, and below that 2002 and 1933 both had 13.

28°C Days
These are the number of 28°C each year, and as of August 5th 2021 is tied with 1961 with 28. And 2021 is also tied with 1961 for the most 29°C days, with 21.

31°C Days
On the slightly hotter side of things 2021 has had 13 days reach 31°C, which is well ahead of 2nd place 2002's 9.

You can also use the dashboard to poke around for different temperatures ranges:
  • 32°C: 2021 has the most, with 7. 2002, 1961 & 1936 all had 6.
  • 33°C: 2021, 2002 & 1936 all had 4.
  • 34°C: 2021 has 4, and 1924 had 3.
  • 35°C: 2021 & 1924 are tied with 3.
  • 36°C: 2021 had 2, and the only other years to get that warm were 1937 & 1924 each with 1.

Around Edmonton
For the stations around Edmonton this has also been a hot year with 2021 (on the right) setting a new 30°C record for Stony Plain, and getting close to the records for Campsie and Ft. Saskatchewan (and the Ft. Saskatchewan station is also missing data for a bunch of days this summer). The airport, for whatever reason, has onlt had 8 days hit 30°C, and that's still a lot, but it's well below its record of 19 from 1961.

30°C Season
In this chart each colourful rectangle represents a single day which hit 30°C, going back to 1880. The earliest day of the year to hit 30°C was April 25th in 1977, and the latest was September 28th in 1887.

The most common day of the year to hit 30°C has been July 22nd, with 12 since 1880, or about 8.5% of the time. That likelihood of a hot day drops off as we get later into the year, but our season of possible 30°C Highs really lasts until around August 18th. After that they become a one-in-140 year chance.

So we do still have a little bit of time left this summer to maybe get a few more 30°C days.

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