

New Year's 2020

Ready to test your memory of New Year's temperatures?

New Year's Eve Temperature History

Edmonton's average temperatures for New Year's Eve are an average High of -7.6°C and a Low of -15.6°C. But looking at the history we are rarely on the average, with most years bouncing between really "warm" or really cold. 

2019 was very warm with a High of 6.1°C and Low of -6.6°C, 2018 actually was quite close to the average, and 2017 was very cold with a High of only -22.6°C and a Low way down at 28.2°C.

Here are the Highs going back to 2000:

Since 2000 we have had 4 New Year's Eves with Highs above freezing: 2012, 2014, 2015 & 2019 (shown in pink). Before that though you need to go back to 1997 to find another one.

This chart can be switched to show the Lows, and since 2000 we have had 6 New Year's Eves with Lows below -20°C, plus another 3 at -18°C. The coldest was also the most recent, in 2017 at -28.2°C.

New Year's Day Temperature History

New Year's Day's average are close to New Year's Eve's, with a High of -7.2°C and Low of -15.9°C.

2020 and 2019 were both on the warm side of things with Highs of 3.8°C and 2.9°C respectively. 2018's Low was way down at -27.6°C, but it's High of -7.9°C was close to average, and close to 2017's -8.8°C.

The last time that we had a New Year's Day with a really cold High was 2009 at -21.7°C, and 2010 was at -16.6°C.

Since 2010 we have had 5 New Year's Days with Highs above freezing: 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019 & 2020. Before that you need to go back to 2001 to find another one, and then to 1992.

This chart can also be switched to show the Lows, and since 2000 we have had 6 New Year's Days with Lows below -20°C: 2002, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2014 & 2018. The coldest was also the most recent, in 2018 at -27.6°C.

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