

Top of the Summer - 2019

It feels like summer has only just begun, but July 22rd is roughly the peak of Edmonton's summer.

Here's how things have gone so far this year:

From mid-June to late-July we have been below average, and that shows up here as blue. And the past month hasn't just been below average, but was also below where we were for a chunk of May and early-June.

This dashboard shows the number of hot days each summer.

So far 2019 has had 11 25°C days, which ranks it as #118 out of 139. It's way down from the past 4 summers which all had 25-38 25°C days, but still above 2011 & 2005 which were both down at only 6. And so far in 2019 we've had 45 days which hit 20°C, and that ranks as #93.

The good(?) news is that the peak of summer lasts for a few weeks:

Our average temperature along with the 25th & 75th percentiles (where temperatures will fall about 50% of the time) stay reasonably constant for about two-and-a-half weeks, until August 9th. After that though they start to slowly fall as we slide ever further into the abyss.

Here is the dashboard again, except that this time it is looking at the back-half of summer, from July 22 onwards:

For the rest of the summer we average about 42 more 20°C days, including about 18 more at 25°C.

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