

Daily Temperatures & Precipitation - Dashboard

Recently I have built a whole bunch of interactive dashboards to help visualize weather data. In the next few posts we will be taking a closer look at them to see how they can be used.

Today we are going to start with an easy one: Blatchford's High Temperatures, Low Temperatures, and Precipitation going back to 1880.

For these instructions I will be linking to fixed images, but this widget will let you try things out.

Daily Temperatures & Precipitation

If you were curious about Edmonton's history of Christmas you can set the data to December 25, and you will get the daily history going back to 1880:
  • The daily High temperatures for each year, along with the 30-year average, and the record warmest & coldest.
  • The daily Low temperatures, 30-year average, and records.
  • The daily Snow (grey), Rain (blue) or total Precipitation (green).
    For 1880-2007 the Blatchford station measured Rain and Snow separately, but that changed and for recent years only the total Precipitation (Rain & Snow combined) is available.
So that's fun. But you can also use this chart to select multiple days:

Weekly Temperatures & Precipitation
Here we have the same chart, but this time "Choose Day(s)" is set to include December 25-31.

Here we have the average temperatures & total precipitation for the whole week from Christmas to New Year's. This could be done for a week, or a few days, or a few weeks.

Monthly Temperatures & Precipitation
Taking things one step further here we are looking at the entire month of December. You could also select several months, to combine the summer months of June, July & August together.

Recent Years

And finally, if more than a century of data is just too much you can use the "Choose Range of Years" to filter the results down to a more reasonable range.

So that's it. It's pretty simple, but it provides a lot of flexibility to poke around through the data. This is just one of several new dashboards, and some of the others are accessible using the tabs at the top of the widget. In future posts we will spend some time going through all of them.

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