

Victoria Day 2018

And so we reach the end of a really lovely Victoria Day weekend.

This actually makes 2 very warm Victoria Days in a row, because 2017 was very similar to this year. The last time that we had 3 fairly-warm Victoria Days in a row was back in 1998, 1999 and 2000.

Depending on where the official numbers for Monday come in our average temperature for the weekend will be just about the same as 2017, and a bit below 2008 which was the warmest recent Victoria Day.

All four days this weekend hit 20°C, and that technically didn't happen last year because the Friday was only 19.9°C. The only other years here that did have all four days at 20°C were 2013 and 2008.

We didn't get any rain this year or last year, and so here we're just reusing the precipitation chart from the exceptionally rainy Victoria Day 2016.

When we had first looked at Victoria Day in 2016 I'd said:

  • It's almost never above 25°C (4 times since 1995, including 2017)
  • It's almost never below 0°C
  • It's above 20°C less than half of the time
  • 75% of the time there's at least one genuinely rainy day, and 90% of the time there's at least a little rain.

In 2018 we might have one day which breaks 25°C (it depends on the official numbers for Monday), we've now had 2 years that were basically all above 20°C, and also two years with no notable rain.So fingers-crossed for 2019.

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