

Record Watch: April 28

Right now the forecast for April 28th is a scorching 27°C. Does that put us into record territory?

April 28th Temperatures

The record High temperature for April 28th is 29.4°C, set in 1939. So to beat the we would need to be well above the forecast.

If we do hit 27°C though, that would be enough for 3rd-warmest, below 1980 at 28.4°C but above 1926 which is currently in 3rd at 26.7°C.

Warmest Temperatures for This Week in History

Here we have the 50 warmest temperatures for the last week of April. The records for this week range from 27.8°C for April 30th up to 31.1°C for April 29th. And three of those records - April 24, 25 & 26 - were all set during a 1977 heatwave.

To make it into this top-50 list requires a temperature of 23.9°C, so April 27th might be included - right now we need to wait for the official results. Recently there are almost no days in this top-50, with only April 27th 2001, and April 28 2010 making the cut. Going further back though, the 1930s and 1940s each had 8 days in the list.

Recent Aprils

That's not to say that we haven't had any warm April days recently. In this list there are 3 days above 25°C which appear in red, and another 17 that were above 20°C in orange. Those warm days just occurred earlier in April, or they weren't quite warm enough to crack the top-50. But this year we might get 2 days into the list.

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