

Christmas Day

The forecast for Christmas Day this year is pretty chilly, but lets take a look back at history:


Over that last 30 years the average temperatures for Christmas have been fairly warm, with a High of -4°C and a Low of -13°C.

Recently things have ranged from warms years like 2005 & 2011 with Highs above 6°C, to cold years like 2008 & 2012 with Lows down around -25°C. And during 2001 through 2007 all 7 of those Christmas Days had a High above freezing.

In the last few years 2015 and 2016 were both at the cold end of things, with Highs of -12.9°C and -14.4°C, and Lows of -20.1°C and -22.9°C respectively.


Here is the precipitation for December 24th & 25th. I've combined both days here, since Christmas Eve snow and Christmas Day snow are pretty interchangeable. We just looked at this chart in Low-snow (or brown) Christmases.

Last year we had quite a bit of snow, with 6.6cm at Blatchford and 7.5 at the International. 2014 & 2015 both also had skiffs of snow, but before that we have to go back to 2004 to find a snowy Christmas. And before that all the way back to 1992.

Updated for 2017

And here is where we ended up for 2017.

Our High of -19.3°C was just a bit warmer than the -20.6°C from 2012, but 2012's Low was "only" -26.3°C compared to -26.7°C. To find a colder Low we need to go back to 1996, which had a High of -16.2°C but a Low way down at of -29.5°C.

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