

Canada Day

Canada Day Temperatures

Here we can see the historic records for Canada Day, with 1924 well above any of the other years. At 35.6°C, July 1 1924 was actually the 3rd warmest day ever recorded in Edmonton. (Edmonton's 2nd warmest was the next day: July 2, 1924 at 36.7°C. And the warmest-ever was 37.2°C on June 29, 1937)

In recent years the average High for Canada Day has been 22°C, with 2013 the warmest at 28.8°C, and 2011, 2010 and 1999 down around 19°C. Plenty of years have been around 25°C, but only four actually broke that barrier: 2006, 2013, 2013 and 2014.

Canada Day Precipitation

And here we have Canada Day precipitation, with data from Blatchford and the International Airport. Since 2000 only 6 Canada Day's have had any precipitation, and 2012 was the only large amount with 14mm at Blatchford and 7.2mm at the International.

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